Category : news
Publish Date :1403/12/12 - 13:04
Code :40

Construction of the poles and lighting towers Foundations, production 6, 8 and 12 meters poles, installation and settingup. Parsian Sepehr Petrorefini

Construction of the poles and lighting towers Foundations, production 6, 8 and 12 meters poles, installation and settingup. Parsian Sepehr Petrorefining Project

This project, with the aim of establishing lighting and CCTV video surveillance system for the entire complex in the two sites of Mehr and Parsian Sepehr in Asaluyeh city, was completed and delivered in the best possible way with the efforts and efforts of Armaz Company personnel. This project included the supply of more than 120 bases in 6-8 and 12 meter types along with all accessories and their foundations, all materials were manufactured in accordance with the highest standards and the best quality and delivered to the employer complex. During the implementation of this project, more than 50 people were directly active.

Source News : Project Manager