Status Lighting projects No.
In progress Supply and implementation of lighting system in Mehrshahr, Karaj 1
In progress Supply and implementation of lighting system on Danesh Blvd., Mehrshahr to Park 216 2
Completed Supplying and implementing the lighting system in East Sepahan Freeway of Esfehan city 3
Completed Construction of the poles and lighting towers Foundations, production 6, 8 and 12 meters poles, installation and settingup. Parsian Sepehr Petrorefining Project 4
Completed Supplying and installation of the lighting system in Pars Gostar Nizar Industrial zone 5
Completed Supplying and installation of the lighting system and video monitoring system in Deohlran Oilworkship NGL3100 6
Completed Supplying and installation of the 12 meter poles with their Foundations and lighting system in the shooga Factory 7